Why Girls STate?
You may be wondering, "Why would I go to Girls State?" Believe it or not, many others have asked this question before you.
The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program is one of kind! Girls from across the great state of Idaho come together, empower one another and learn how government works in their state. Those in attendance will be eligible for certain awards and scholarships.
They are then able to leave with a new sense of confidence and understanding of what it really means to be a leader. Girls that attend Idaho Syringa Girls State are more prepared for their senior year of high school, and their futures in the community where they reside.
Girls interested in participating in Girls State must fill out the application and interview with members of the American Legion Auxiliary. After completion of both the application and interview, delegates will be selected and contacted with further instructions.
Each delegate of Girls State will be placed in a city, cities consist of 20-30 girls who have also been selected to attend. They will have the opportunity to uplift, support and empower one another as they all learn how state and local government work together.
ALA Girls State is an excellent opportunity to create friendships across the state, that will be great networking connections later on in life. Girls State is focused on helping young women become "tomorrow's leaders of mankind.."
Come and see what Girls State can offer you!

2019 Girls State Delegates
on Capitol Day
FOr Future delegates
We’ve made it really easy to register! There’s only three steps:
Step 1 – Contact your school's counselor, or local American Legion Auxiliary unit to express interest in the program. You will be informed of upcoming interview dates. DO NOT FILL OUT THE REGISTRATION FORM UNTIL YOU COMPLETE THIS STEP. If you are unaware of which ALA unit you belong to, please fill out the information necessary on this form and we will connect you with your local unit.
Step 2 – Fill out the Idaho Syringa Girls State Registration Form (click here) completely and submit it. You will need your parent or guardian to fill it out with you. Once it is submitted, you will receive and email with more information. If you have trouble filling out the form, or have questions please contact the Session Coordinator at IdahoALAGSSecretary@gmail.com.
Step 3 – Please save and look over the 2025 Consent Packet. Please review these documents prior to attending Girls State. They include information about the Girls State Rules, Daily Dress Requirements, and a Packing List to help you prepare for Girls State.
That’s it! If you have any questions, please contact your sponsoring American Legion Auxiliary Unit, or the Idaho Syringa Girls State Session Coordinator at IdahoALAGSSecretary@gmail.com.
One of the wonderful perks of Girls State is the opportunity for College Credit. Northwest Nazarene University provides a Political Science to all the girls state delegates, which will be held during the 2025 session. Delegates are responsible for the payment of the course. You will find the link to register here by April, 2025.
Join us in making a difference! Our service project is focused on collecting essential and in-demand items for the Valley Women's and Children Shelter in Nampa, Idaho. Items that can be donated include new and unused toiletries, household items, and baby diapers. A full list of current needs can be found here.

FOR staff
Each year, former Idaho Syringa Girls State delegates are chosen to help with the program as Staff for the next session. Staff are assigned as counselors, junior counselors, legislative staff and other positions to assist in running Girls State. Any prior Girls State citizen in good standing is eligible to apply. No one automatically becomes part of the Staff by virtue of the office they held or prior honor they received.
Applications are due February 15, 2025 and you can express your interest by filling out the following form.
Interested parties will be notified of their standing as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the Girls State Session Coordinator at IdahoALAGSSecretary@gmail.com.

2019 Girls State Staff
For schools
Our closest partners are teachers and counselors at our Idaho schools. If, after looking through the various tabs on this website, you are interested in having an American Legion Auxiliary member present at your school, please contact us! We would love the opportunity to share this experience with your Junior girls. You should expect a representative from ALA Girls State to contact you by mid-February to arrange a presentation. If you have not been contacted and you would like to offer this opportunity to your students, please contact the Session Coordinator at the email address below.
Here is the form with the instructions on how to apply for ALA Girls State. If you have Junior girls interested in attending Girls State, they must fill our their contact information and then turn it back in to you. You, in turn, give their contact information to your local American Legion Auxiliary Unit so that the Unit Members can interview the applicant(s).
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Idaho Syringa Girls State Session Coordinator at IdahoALAGSSecretary@gmail.com.